Process Bobbel from the inside

Process Bobbel from the inside

Your Bobbel collapses after a certain amount?
If you prefer to process Bobbel from the inside out, there are some helpful ways.
For example, places the Bobbel in a Tupper Bowl while processing. Depending on how much you have processed from the inside and how big the hole in the middle already is, it fills.
For example, use different objects. Push the Bobbel on a kitchen roll holder. Put the roll of paper from the toilet paper or kitchen roll into the bobbel. You can just as well put a slender drinking glass in the hole. Depending on what you have at hand and fits in this gap. The bobbel does not collapse so quickly and you can handle this better without having wool puke.

Posted on 08/09/2019 by General information 0 10606

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