Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Crazy Oase 11 - 3 ply gradient yarn, 7 colors: anthracite (runs through the whole Bobbel), pink, Candy, Fuchsia, Brick, raspberry, oleander. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : mango outside pistachio outside
Oase der Elfen (Oasis of the elves) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: mango, Fuchsia, pink, amethyst, lavender, pistachio. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Oase der Schmetterlinge - 3 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : gift green outside purple outside
Oase der Schmetterlinge (Oasis of butterflies ) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 9 colors: gift green, Apple green, Caramel, Brick, Fuchsia, pink, amethyst, violet, purple. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Oase des magischen Einhorns (mit Glitzer)
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : quartz outside pink outside
Oase des magischen Einhorns mit Glitzer (Oasis of magical unicorn with glitter) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: quartz, vanilla, pea, light blue, heather, pink, glitter. Fiber Content: 43% cotton 43% polyacrylic 9% polyester 5% polyamide.
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : blackberry outside pink outside
Oase in Pink (Oasis in pink) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: pink, Candy, Fuchsia, raspberry, blackberry. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : anthracite outside white outside
Oase in Grau (Oasis in gray) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: white, light gray, silver mottled, medium gray, anthracite. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : aqua outside petroleum outside
Oase in Blau (Oasis in blue) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: aqua, capri, ciel, Azure, petroleum. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : leaf green outside purple-2 outside
Oase in Bunt (Oasis in colorful) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: leaf green, gold, orange, raspberry, purple. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 200g/7.05oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : riviera outside royal blue outside
Oase der Illusion (Oasis of illusion) - 3 ply gradient yarn, 8 colors: riviera, ciel, Azure, oleander, bishop, blackberry, purple, royal blue. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Crazy Oase 10 - silver mottled continuously
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Crazy Oase 10 - silver mottled continuously - 4 ply gradient yarn, 9 colors: silver mottled (runs through the whole Bobbel), pink, candy, fuchsia, brick, raspberry, oleander, blackberry, chianti. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : jade outside black outside
Oase der Tiefsee (Oasis of the deep sea) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: jade, opal, jungle, petroleum, black. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Oase der Meerjungfrauen - 4-ply
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : raspberry outside louvre outside
Oase der Meerjungfrauen (Oasis of Mermaids) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 8 colors: louvre, vanilla, rose, heather, jade, opal, oleander, raspberry. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Oase der ewigen Träume - 4-ply
Weight : 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Oase der ewigen Träume (Oasis of Eternal Dreams) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 7 colors: Blackberry, Black, Pea, Jalousie, Mango, Brick, Black. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : light gray outside medium gray outside
Oase der Schutzengel (Oasis of the Guardian Angels) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 4 colors: Medium gray, anemone, vanilla, light gray. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : Azure outside chocolate outside
Oase der Märchenfeen (Oasis of fairy tale fairies) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 9 colors: Azure, Pisatzie, Vanilla, Jalousie, Rose, Pink, Raspberry, Blackberry, Chocolate. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : dragon-fly outside royal blue outside
Oase der Südsee (Oasis of the South Seas) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: Dragonfly, Riviera, Sea Blue, Enzian, Royal. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : Apple green outside louvre outside
Oase des Pegasus (Oasis of Pegasus) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 12 colors: Apple green, lemon, jalousie, pink, candy, brick, bishop, oleander, heather, dragonfly, pea, jalousie. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Franzi's Oases Bobbels - gradient yarns are available in different lengths and threads - order online. Beautiful 3-ply, 4-ply, 5-ply and 6-ply gradient yarns by Franzi with great color combinations. This enchanting gradient wool is not made with electrical appliances or home-made machines, as all Bobbel are lovingly wound by hand. The yarn is plied and not twisted, that is, the threads lie side by side.
Franzi's Oasenbobbel.
These magical gradient yarn cakes by Franzi's Oases Bobbels are ideal for shawls, scarves, sweaters, ponchos, caps etc. The recommended needle size is 3 - 4 mm. You can also use any other needle size depending on how tight or loose your project should be.
These fantastic oasis bobbel can be used both inside and out.