Weight : 1000g/35.27oz
Bella Rosa Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: taupe, burgundy, brick, red mottled, old pink. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 500g/17.6oz 1000g/35.27oz
Red Roses Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 12 colors: salmon, lobster, cherry, red, burgundy, malaga, salmon, lobster, cherry, red, burgundy, malaga. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 500g/17.6oz 600g/21.12oz 700g/24.69oz 800g/28.16oz 900g/31.74oz 1000g/35.27oz
Pegasus Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 12 colors: apple green, lemon, louvre, pink, candy, brick, bishop, oleander, heather, dragon-fly, pea, louvre. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 1000g/35.27oz
Manhattan Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: black, violet, mottled lead, gray mottled, anthracite mottled - violet 2 ply runs through the whole Bobbel. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Zauber der Südsee (Magic of the South Seas) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 14 colors: apple green, gift green, absinthe, fern green, fir green, ocean green, jungle, lagoon, riviera, capri, ciel, sea blue, gentian, royal blue. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Tropical Island - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : Apple green outside riviera outside
Tropical Island - 4 ply gradient yarn, 4 colors: apple green, gift green, lagoon, riviera. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Mr. Moon 2018 - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : aqua outside vanilla outside
Mr. Moon 2018 - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: vanilla, light blue, dragon-fly, lavender, aqua. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : jade outside ocean green outside
September Bobbel 2018 - 4 ply gradient yarn, 4 colors: ocean green, fern green, khaki, jade. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Bobbelinis - Elena - 4 Bobbelinis in the set - 4 ply, 6 colors. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Bobbelinis - Babette - 4 Bobbelinis in the set - 4 ply, 6 colors. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : mocha outside black outside
November Bobbel 2018 - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: mocha, nut, brown, chocolate, black. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Vanille Kipferl - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Vanille Kipferl (vanilla crescents) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 3 colors: white, cream, vanilla, 1 part of it with a delicate glitter thread. Fiber Content: 43% cotton 43% polyacrylic 9% polyester 5% polyamide.
Schneekristall - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Schneekristall (snow crystal) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 4 colors: white, cream, light blue, dragon-fly, 1 part of it with a delicate glitter thread. Fiber Content: 43% cotton 43% polyacrylic 9% polyester 5% polyamide.
Comtessa - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : oleander outside white outside
Comtessa - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: white, pastel pink, baby pink, pink, raspberry, oleander, flame thread white runs through the whole ball. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : leaf green outside fir green outside
Avalon - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: leaf green, frog green, fern green, emerald, fir green, flame thread white runs through the whole ball. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Tanz der Wellen - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : gentian outside light blue outside
Tanz der Wellen (Dance of the waves) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: light blue, aqua, ciel, sea blue, gentian, flame thread white runs through the whole ball. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : anthracite mottled outside light gray outside
Dezember (December) Bobbel 2018 - 4 ply gradient yarn, 4 colors: light gray, mottled lead, gray mottled, anthracite mottled with a hanky thread with tiny, colorful pimples. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Märchen der Vergangenheit - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : pink outside taupe outside
Märchen der Vergangenheit (Fairy tales of the past) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 7 colors: taupe, mud, gravel, concrete, pastel pink, baby pink, pink. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Märchen der Meere - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : black outside white outside
Märchen der Meere (Fairy tale of the seas) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 8 colors: black or white, mermaid, capri, ciel, azure, sea blue, gentian, atlantic. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Märchen des Glücks - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : lilac outside dragon-fly outside
Märchen des Glücks (Fairy tale of happiness) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: dragon-fly, Milka, oleander, port, lilac. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.