Ocean meets Heaven - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : aqua outside nymph outside
Ocean meets Heaven - 4 ply gradient yarn, 10 colors: aqua, ciel, azure, sea blue, gentian, royal blue, jungle, lagoon, riviera, nymph. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Long Island - 4 ply gradient yarn, 14 colors: aqua, dragon-fly, pigeon blue, riviera, gentian, azure, jeans blue mottled, ciel, capri, shadow, royal blue, atlantic, light petrol, Prussian blue. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Sommerbunt mit Weiss - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : gift green outside riviera outside
Sommerbunt mit Weiss (Summer colorful with white) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: gift green, caramel, white, candy, bishop, riviera. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Träumendes Einhorn Gigantic Bobbel
Weight : 500g/17.6oz 1000g/35.27oz
Träumendes Einhorn (Dreaming unicorn) Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: white, pistachio, dragon-fly, lavender, baby pink, white. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Unvergessener Traum Gigantic Bobbel
Weight : 1000g/35.27oz
Unvergessener Traum (Unforgettable dream) Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 7 colors: Usambara, bishop, purple, anthracite mottled, black, purple, tourmaline. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Herz des Ozeans Gigantic Bobbel
Weight : 1000g/35.27oz
Herz des Ozeans (heart of the Ocean) Gigantic Bobbel - 4 ply gradient yarn, 9 colors: white, light blue, aqua, capri, ciel, sea blue, gentian, royal blue, shadow. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Lust auf Brasil (Fancy Brasil) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: Brasil, mottled lead, gray mottled, anthracite mottled, black. Brasil run through the entire Bobbel. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : brown outside heather outside
Lust auf Leben (joy for life) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 6 colors: heather, tourmaline, purple, taupe, mocha, brown. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Grenzenlos - 4 ply gradient yarn
Weight : 150g/5.29oz 250g/8.82oz 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : light blue outside shadow outside
Grenzenlos (limitless) - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: light blue, light gray, silver mottled, medium gray, shadow. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 100g/3.53oz 200g/7.05oz 300g/10.58oz 400g/14.11oz 500g/17.6oz 600g/21.12oz 700g/24.69oz 800g/28.16oz 900g/31.74oz 1000g/35.27oz
Montreal - 6 ply mottled yarn without gradient, 6 colors: green melted, olive green, khaki, taupe, medium gray, granite. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 100g/3.53oz 200g/7.05oz 300g/10.58oz 400g/14.11oz 500g/17.6oz 600g/21.12oz 700g/24.69oz 800g/28.16oz 900g/31.74oz 1000g/35.27oz
Havanna - 6 ply mottled yarn without gradient, 6 colors: white, light beige, beige, gravel, mud, mocha. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 100g/3.53oz 200g/7.05oz 300g/10.58oz 400g/14.11oz 500g/17.6oz 600g/21.12oz 700g/24.69oz 800g/28.16oz 900g/31.74oz 1000g/35.27oz
Roma - 4 ply mottled yarn without gradient, 4 colors: rose, baby pink, peach, quartz. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 100g/3.53oz 200g/7.05oz 300g/10.58oz 400g/14.11oz 500g/17.6oz 600g/21.12oz 700g/24.69oz 800g/28.16oz 900g/31.74oz 1000g/35.27oz
Miami - 4 ply mottled yarn without gradient, 4 colors: blackberry, amethyst, oleander, pink. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 100g/3.53oz 200g/7.05oz 300g/10.58oz 400g/14.11oz 500g/17.6oz 600g/21.12oz 700g/24.69oz 800g/28.16oz 900g/31.74oz 1000g/35.27oz
Vancouver - 4 ply mottled yarn without gradient, 4 colors: sea blue, gentian, indigo, ciel. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 250g/8.82oz
März (March) Bobbel 2018 - 4 ply gradient yarn, 5 colors: dragon-fly, pigeon blue, opal, jade, dragon-fly. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Farben des Lebens (4fädig-900m) - turquoises
Product : without variant
A pack Bobbelinchen Lady Dee's Farben des Lebens (colors of life) (4ply-900m) - turquoises colors Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 3 ply - 100g/3.53oz 3 ply - 150g/5.29oz 3 ply - 200g/7.05oz 4 ply - 150g/5.29oz 4 ply - 250g/8.82oz 4 ply - 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : riviera outside white outside
Farben der Erinnerungen (Colors of the memories) - 3 ply or 4 ply gradient yarn, 3 colors: white, nymph, riviera. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 3 ply - 100g/3.53oz 3 ply - 150g/5.29oz 3 ply - 200g/7.05oz 4 ply - 150g/5.29oz 4 ply - 250g/8.82oz 4 ply - 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : capri outside light blue outside
Farben des Himmels (Colors of the sky) - 3 ply or 4 ply gradient yarn, 3 colors: light blue, aqua, capri. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 3 ply - 100g/3.53oz 3 ply - 150g/5.29oz 3 ply - 200g/7.05oz 4 ply - 150g/5.29oz 4 ply - 250g/8.82oz 4 ply - 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : lilac outside purple outside
Farben der Schönheit (Colors of beauty) - 3 ply or 4 ply gradient yarn, 3 colors: lilac, violet, purple. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.
Weight : 3 ply - 100g/3.53oz 3 ply - 150g/5.29oz 3 ply - 200g/7.05oz 4 ply - 150g/5.29oz 4 ply - 250g/8.82oz 4 ply - 400g/14.11oz
Color outside : Brick outside pink outside
Farben der Begierde (Colors of desire) - 3 ply or 4 ply gradient yarn, 3 colors: pink, candy, brick. Fiber Content: 50% cotton 50% polyacrylic.